HI all, Any opinions on either Rogue Audio M-180 or Primaluna dialogue seven.Using them for bi-amping top end of  JBL 4350'S. Will be buying used ones. Any pros and cons appreciated. thanks.  
Don’t be fooled by PrimaLuna output rating. I have one and it is more powerful than I expected - even though I wasn’t looking for much power. 

I am not familiar with your speakers but the Dualigue should be fine unless they are power hungry.

I just said to hell with it and trued PrimaLuna and I doubt I will ever buy another one. Unless it is PL monoblocks, but the why???
+1 for Rogue gear. Couldn’t be happier with my ST-100/Metis magnum combo. It even survived my daughter’s cat vomiting a hair ball on to the vent and down into the board.
Don’t worry AGers, it won’t be for sale here (any time soon, anyway). 

I understand Rogue's are hard on tubes. They would have to be to get the kind of power that they claim.

My personal experience is with their Stereo 100 amp. I was considering M180s as an upgrade until I was told by their customer service that it uses the same basic circuitry as the Stereo 100.

With the Stereo 100 there was so much distortion in Triode mode that I would get fatigued after one record. In Ultralinear I could not stand to listen at all, it hurt my ears. My speakers are very good ATC SCM19's, 85dB sensitivity.

I switched to a Prima Luna Dialogue Pro HP in stereo mode, the sound is smooth and I can listen in either triode or Ultralinear all day with no fatigue.

I think Rogue overrates their power, over drives their output tubes and over prices a boat anchor IMO.

I'll take any Prima Luna product before I will even consider a Rogue. The difference is like night and day and the price differential is insignificant. The build quality and component selection are head and shoulders above Rogue and they just sound better period.
I have both in my system. If you can find a new pair of 7’s it’s most likely to be from upscale Audio. For driving the top end of your JBL’s I’d suggest the primaluna’s, great sound with EL34’s, the Rogue’s have more power, But if I could offer my opinion, I’d get the primaluna dialogue premium’s you can run kt 150’s in them, or just about any power tube you want. I like the EL34’s the most for top end