First impression: Herron VTPH-2A phono preamp

I got my VTPH-2A this morning and it's up and running. After about five hours of spinning vinyl, I'm pretty sure I've wet myself, MULTIPLE TIMES! I've primarily played vinyl that I've had for decades, music that I thought I was intimately familiar with. I was wrong. There's nuance I never knew existed. Everything about the VTPH-2A is "right". The bass is tight, vocals superb, instruments have places, etc.  All that I've listened to sounds new and fresh and the most masterfully recorded vinyl sounds live. What I've read about on this forum concerning the VTPH-2A (pretty much all stellar) is true. I've had five different phono preamps and nothing can compete with this, NOTHING. It's a bad ass and definitely a keeper.
@steveyork...I` m looking forward to your thoughts on the upgrade.

@bpoletti ...That`s quite an endorsement !
I have a ZYX that sounds nice to me but maybe a move up the Herron would help it to sound even better.
Has me really wondering now... 

Does Keith still use/recommend the Sovtek LPS ?

professorsvsu OP
I found my Goldpoint and it's a 24 step SA1. If memory serves me correctly, I bought the "standard Issue" which means it's impedance is 25K ohms. I'll run the VTPH-2A through it this weekend direct line to my Bryston 4B Cubed and give an update.

A ladder attenuator configuration (the best) 
A 10k ladder has a max output impedance of 2.5k, and with the 30k of the 4B that's a 1:12 ratio, pity yours 25k if it's a ladder it will be 1:6 ratio, but saying that, it maybe fine as below you see that out of 30 audiophiles only two detected something below 1:10

We conducted 30 strong audiophile group listening, level matched using 1khz test cd at the speaker within 10th of a volt, then with music.
Using an amp I made to be able to change the input impedance quickly, and my Lightspeed (a ladder) the group could not hear any difference from 1:100 ratio down to 1:10 ratio. 
A couple "thought" they heard something lower than 1:10, but it wasn't till 1:3 ratio that 50% thought they heard a difference. 

Cheers George  
@scm I don’t know what Herron uses in the VTPH-2a. He’s pretty accessible. Give him a call.

I keep all my Herron Audio units as-is based on how the Keith has designed and implemented them. If Herron changes his recommended tube complement, I will let him do the rolling using individual tubes he has tested.

I gave you my honest assessment amd experience over the last 20+ years of using VTSP-1 and -2 units.  My enthusiasm is just a reflection of my opinion of their performance.  

Just to amplify what some of the others have said regarding the upgrade from the VTPH-2 to 2A, the improvements are easily heard in a more dynamic presentation (perhaps due to the quieter background), even sweeter treble and punchier bass.

I've loved my VTPH-2 for years and now that its been upgraded to the 2A version, I'm even happier.

BTW, not many people better to do business with than Keith Herron. YMMV.


@beatlebum   IMO, Herron Audio has the best customer service in the industry even if a request doesn't come from the owner of a piece of Herron Audio equipment.

I am in your camp re: the VTPH-2a.  All my electronics are from Herron Audio.  Well, not my CD transport.