McIntosh MC 275 Mark VI

I own a McIntosh C-2300 Preamplifier, which is an all tube design and Harbeth SHL5 speakers

1. Has anyone paired this with a Mcintosh MC 275 Mark V or VI amplifier, and what are your impressions?
2. Suggestions or other stereo tube power amplifiers to pair with the McIntosh C-2300. Looking for some actual experience that someone may have had.  Prima Luna, ZOTL, Rogue, VTL, BAT?
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Guys, this discussion thread was focused on amp suggestions for McIntosh C2300 and Harbeth Speakers, can we be focused on that please?  Thanks.

It would help to know what you have already heard with your set of gear, what you liked or didn't like about the sound, whether you felt you needed more power, etc.  It is hard to make recommendations without knowing what general direction you want to take.  Any kind of context would help, such as "I heard it with XYZ amp and I thought it sounded too lean and hard for my taste." 

Also, it would be helpful to have a general price range in mind and whether you would consider used gear.  Tube gear is pretty durable and easily refurbished, so, willingness to consider used gear would open up a lot of possibilities. 

I am guessing, based on the list of candidates you provided, that certain brands would be outside of the price range you are looking at, but, used gear from these brands might be in the running (VAC, for example, comes to mind, Jadis might be pricey even used). 

Two more suggestions.  The 30 watt Atma-Spere M 30 should be considered.  While I personally find it a touch "lean" in overall balance, there is something utterly magical about the liveliness and vivid quality of output transformerless amps.  The larger M 60, perhaps used, might be in the running.  These share a similar sound to the Berning ZOTL amps, but, the Bernings I heard were quite pricey.  I have not heard the ZOTL amps that are being made by another company under license from Berrning.

Good point.  I have the McIntosh C2300 connected to a Macintosh MC-152 and they speakers are Harbeth SHL5.  While I enjoy the sound, very neutral, I never quiet get excited as much, and hence the thought of buying a MC 275.