I am not sensitive today. There are things whoever raised you, and you over time, should have taught you. Do not make fun of anyone’s cancer and do not mention people’s parents (in words or implied) in any way that could be taken as an insult to those parents. While you are at that, if you ever get tempted, do not mention people’s children either. Even if it is a mostly anonymous Internet forum, do not spill the garbage that you would not tell a person to their face.
I am not sensitive today. There are things whoever raised you, and you over time, should have taught you. Do not make fun of anyone’s cancer and do not mention people’s parents (in words or implied) in any way that could be taken as an insult to those parents. While you are at that, if you ever get tempted, do not mention people’s children either. Even if it is a mostly anonymous Internet forum, do not spill the garbage that you would not tell a person to their face.