Speaking of the clash of titans, which is of course the age old battle btwn believers of cables and naysayers, there was once a wee skirmish.
It begins with an article by Malcolm Omar Hawksford who is a pretty smart guy who knows his way around communication electronics and the theory it is based,
But then I saw the following comment to this article from a naysayer and busted a gut . You see the naysayers are prone to ask for science/engineering to prove cable difference, and here was, what seemed like a pretty nice short and sweet examination of cable theory which covers a lot of the bases.
So after given what was asked for here is the response I mentioned above ( the counter-attack after the initial Hawksford salvo )....
"Those who state that the "laws of physics" don’t allow
> > for differences in cable performance at audio frequencies
> > might be surprised to learn that the laws of physics
> > predict the opposite.
> Publishing such an unecessarily math-intensive article in a
> consumer publication has an obvious subtext - "It’s all so
> complex that you can’t possibly understand it, so believe
> whatever we say".
That seems to be the plan: the article will "dazzle ’em with science",
than Atkinson, his minions and the snake oil merchants will swoop in
and baffle them." . IOW, a typical $tereopile ploy. "
What can I say. but that words fail me, and that I have no idea how to get the coffee spray off my screen ( anybody got any ideas ? ).
It begins with an article by Malcolm Omar Hawksford who is a pretty smart guy who knows his way around communication electronics and the theory it is based,
But then I saw the following comment to this article from a naysayer and busted a gut . You see the naysayers are prone to ask for science/engineering to prove cable difference, and here was, what seemed like a pretty nice short and sweet examination of cable theory which covers a lot of the bases.
So after given what was asked for here is the response I mentioned above ( the counter-attack after the initial Hawksford salvo )....
"Those who state that the "laws of physics" don’t allow
> > for differences in cable performance at audio frequencies
> > might be surprised to learn that the laws of physics
> > predict the opposite.
> Publishing such an unecessarily math-intensive article in a
> consumer publication has an obvious subtext - "It’s all so
> complex that you can’t possibly understand it, so believe
> whatever we say".
That seems to be the plan: the article will "dazzle ’em with science",
than Atkinson, his minions and the snake oil merchants will swoop in
and baffle them." . IOW, a typical $tereopile ploy. "
What can I say. but that words fail me, and that I have no idea how to get the coffee spray off my screen ( anybody got any ideas ? ).