Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
I will try again with the cheap magnetic sheets around the TV and on the Blu Ray player. Will wait till after dark to do any kind of evaluation.

The Talisman is also effective on interconnects.
The question I have remains what can 60 mil kitchen magnet mats do for E-Mats  stacked under or above them?  Can it enhance their effect, have no effect or have a detrimental effect? 
I'm wondering if the mat has the TC painted on it underneath the magnet?


I don’t have a definitive answer for you, as I haven’t tried magnetic mats with the Omega. However, since Tim has clearly stated that the magnet has nothing to do with the effect, but is simply there for convenience of placement, I doubt additional magnets would enhance it. If anything, I think they would be more likely to be detrimental.
I have had my matts in place now for just one week, and can also independently verify the positive claims of multiple prior users: my sound stage, micro dynamics, bass, floor noise, and most importantly, my musical enjoyment, and willingness to simply listen have all improved dramatically. I have had an annoying ground loop hum, and that has also improved, its now almost imperceptible which has also helped with PRAT and listening deeper into the music. Since I added the matts all at one time, I can't comment how it may have specifically helped my Roon Nucleus + core computer for streaming. 
I can say that this has been a much better tweak, and less expensive than my set of Stein Music Harmonizers, A and B and associated stones, in my room. I had been skeptical that this tweak could perform as advertised, but it does, and I'm glad. Thanks Tim, and Frank...I'll report back after I hit the magical two week mark. I have no need to order more matts for my speakers and my router, etc, until the smaller matts come out. I need to reach out to Tim and order some TC enhancer for my power cords, and new speaker cables, coming shortly, and get more of the synergy reported by others.