Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Great stuff Tom, thanks!

I’ve been saying since I got my 2.7s a year ago that the 3.7s sounded a little bit more revealing. (And spacious, and a bit more even).

One thing that really surprised me about the 2.7s is the dynamics. I’m using Conrad Johnson Premier 12 amps, 140W/side of tubes. The 2.7s are lower sensitivity than the 3.7s and I wondered if I’d notice a slight reduction in impact/dynamics or whatever.

But to my surprise, to my ears and with my amps, the 2.7s sounded more dynamically alive than the 3.7s (which were already excellent!).I thought at first maybe it was due to a little mid bass hump somewhere giving that extra sense of "oomph." But it was really top to bottom, in both micro and macro dynamics, where even a trumpet sounded like it was being played with a bit more life-like energy and micro-dynamic life between all the notes.(And also I have the sense of more density to the sound, and sonic images, on the 2.7s, whereas they are bigger and more spacious on the 3.7s).

I have no idea what accounts for this, but it’s been my consistent impression in owning both the 2.7 and the 3.7.
Tom and Prof

I was able to listen to both the 3.7s and 2.7s at my dealer for several hours over a couple of days.. (I could afford either pair)
Maybe it's just me, but after continuous listening sessions, I decided The 2.7s would "wear" better for extend listening in my living room, as I fire up my system for two or three hours almost every evening for serious listening to classical music.  
I believe there might be a difference between short term versus  long term attentive listening to content, rather than listening for flaws in reproduction.
Prof and Eagle, I really appreciate your thoughts; you have far more experience with the products than I do (one listening session in 2012I) I would need to get intimate the products before forming a hypothesis. I will say that the Model 2 has always been more responsive and delicate due to coupling with less air. The 3 fills larger spaces and gives up some finesse to do it. The crosspoints seem to be higher on the 2.7 (no published specs that I can find.)

Jay, I don't know the sales figures, but they were small. The high-end had gone $tratospheric and the dealer network had fragmented and things were falling apart, necessitating the sale of the company . . . and the rest is history.  Even in its healthy-hayday, Thiel made only a few thousand pairs of any model before upgrade-replacement.

This is a great forum:. "Thiel Owners"
The best and most honest/fact based of this Audiogon site, in my opinion

Not a lot of BS, and if miss-stated, there is always a nice respectful return

keep up good work
