mcintosh preamp for 5.1

apologies in advance for not thoroughly searching this topic but here’s my question. i’m in the market for a mac preamp that i will be using strictly for 5.1 (i have a dedicated two channel stereo that consists of either a c28 or a ma6200 paired with two 2100s in mono powering my klipsch klf 10s with crites crossovers) so now that’s out of the way back to my original question...i’ve recently been looking at mcintosh preamps for my ht setup and i’m not into all the latest and greatest surround formats as i know that’s an ever changing thing as time goes on. just interested in a good quality sounding 5.1 setup through a mac. as for speakers i’m running all old klipsch kg series that are more then likely inadequate for my venture as well but that can be remedied later on down the road. looking for input from you all what would be a good direction to go. i’m considering the following; mx119, mx132, and possibly both the 134 and 135. please correct me if i’m wrong in the idea of using any of them for a dedicated ht preamp. i am unsure of what amp i would be running along with the preamp as well. any help and recommendations will be greatly appreciated. 

sorry for for a complete and unorganized ramble
Correction : my friend's Mac monoblock power amps are the MC 1.25KW, not the MC 2KW. Sorry my bad. 
@caphill ...........

i must be be in the minority in that i much prefer the lush sound of McIntosh.  It may not be the last word in accuracy, but both my McIntosh systems are very well balanced and perform the way my ears like.   Personally, I like having the extras like bass and treble controls, the ability to rename inputs, on the fly moving coil loading via the remote, etc. All of that means a great deal to me.  I have a smile on my face whenever listening to either systems. It works for me. 
Mac isn't the only one that can give you a lush sound. But Mac lacks in other areas : transparency, inner details, musical nuances and information was somewhat obscured compared to other high end gears. Lacking in musical rhtym and drive as well as PRAT. But as long as you are happy with the sound and performance of your setup and system that's what matters imo. We all have different expectations.