Time to change. But to what?

I've had my B&W N803 for a while now. Love them. But have a craving for a different type of sound.

I want speakers that play all kinds of music equally well. Excell at soundstaging, imaging, resolution, are NOT analytical, sound natural(this is very improtant...I hate artificial sound), and do the bass so you not only hear it but feel it as well.

I started building a list of potential candidates.
Here goes it:
1. B&W 803D
2. DALI Helicon 800MkII
3. DALI Euphonia MS4 or 5
4. Dynuadio S5.4
5. Sonus Faber Cremona

from the list I am familiar with S5.4, 803D and Cremona. I have never heard DALI speakers.

Room width is about 14 feet. Length is 18 feet. Speakers are on the short wall. Behind the speakers corners are treated with 8th Nerve Rectangles and Triangles, there is an area rug in front of speakers.

I listen to rock music, jazz(vocal and instrumental but dynamic stuff...no smooth jazz at all), acoustic music, solo, chamber and large orchestral classical(Tchaikovsky, Mahler, Bartok, Shoenberg, Shostakovich, etc). I would like the orchestra to be rendered as large and real as possible within the natural limitations of my room, system, listener.

I like to listen on realistic levels when I can, but since I have a 5 year old who goes to bed early, low level resolution is VERY IMPORTANT. I do a lot of late night listening at low levels and want to hear as much information out of the speakers as possible. My B&Ws excell at playing loud without strain. I want this quality to remain with the new speaker as well.

The speaker upgrade will most likely force me to use my Bel Canto DAC3 as a preamp for a while.

I am selling my BAT VK-51SE preamp right now to raise some funds for the speakers. Once I sell the preamp I plan to sell the B&Ws.

DAC3 isn't that bad direct into my Pass Labs X250.5 and I have a feeling I can deal with it for the time being.
No plans to change the amplifier, or anything else. Just the speakers.

What are my options?

Your advise is greatly appreciated.
Tvad, you are right.

# 1 - speakers should not look like coffins(or else I will be packed in one of them and burried by my significant other).

#2 - no electrostatics, no panel speakers.

#3 - I am leaning towards major manufacturers in case the speakers won't work out for me and I need to sell...just don't want to get stuck with something I don't like.

#4 - not as important as 1,2 and 3, but the goal is to get a good sounding speaker of a normal size and appearance. Not the behemoth. The biggest/tallest is the size of Dynaudio S5.4...and if that can be avoided, great!
A system with speakers that are very detailed at low volumes is generally highly regarded. According to a particular renegade audiophile whose opinions are dogma, the best way to evaluate a system is based on low volume detail retrieval.
I have had the experience of battling my attraction to very analytical components. The system was highly resolving.
In the end it had an almost undefeatable downside, fatigue. This becomes especially problematic when you turn it up. Fortunately Tube power amps with a miraculous little pre came to the rescue.
To address your question, the best speakers for times when when I can't play my music at enjoyable volumes are AKG 701 headphones. When used in combination with a superior dedicated headphone amp they are great.
I have a Singlepower audio "Extreme" an OTL headphone amp. I used to get up early to read the Gon every morning . My family did not like any genre of music at 5 am.
I really think you should consider it instead of going through a complete revision of a system you like otherwise. Headphones are not something everyone, including myself, love but it is a potential solution. This is a thought only because this new breed high end* custom made amps make true high end tubed sound possible. These amps are incredible, if you haven't heard them you should see if you can audition a couple.
I can tell you that they are anything but mass produced and virtually always a one of a kind, made to meet your likes and wallet. SinglePower amps start at about $800 and go up to about 3K but others are less. Mapletree audio out of Canada for instance is less $ and you can get it as a preamp to boot. He offers amps which use the plain old 6SN7 which I like, or 12SN7 or XX SL7 or with a switch to let you pick between two tube types... for about $500.
Believe me the OTL modern tube amp I got, with just a couple of upgrades to the base model, absolutely crushes than that old headphone plug on your old integrated or 1970's receiver.
*(Excluding Stax which have been around a while.)
Treat yourself to: http://cardersound.tech.officelive.com/CarderSound.aspx
and move ten spaces forward. Read the Ty-Bone reviews. [Check WAF.] Put your speakers up for sale on Audiogon. Call me in the morning, you'll feel much better.
-Especially with low volume levels, efficient speakers probably are the way to go. ( No business association with Cardersound, but Jeff is a great guy who will give you the straight story.)
It's a long, strange trip its been - but fun.
Mechans, I agree with you. I totally realize that there is a potential for a system that resolves a lot of detail at lower level, to become unpleasant to listen to at higher levels for prolonged periods of time. I am trying to avoid this scenario. This is NOT what I want the system to do.
Thanks for your advise.
let me tell you a little story.
I have heard CarderSound and loved it.
No , I will not pay someone 10K if I can build it for 3.5K and with upgrated Lowther drivers (not Fostex). That was my plan. To make long story short, my Vandies went up for sell to pay up for my upcoming projects. Unfortunatly my other half saw the plans and almost got a heart attack. I have promised that I won't build those "ugly" boxes. Now, she loves the way Vandys look........it wasn't always the case though. I might end up keeping the Quatros but my point is that CarderSound can break up the marriage .......just a warning.
