Vandersteen Quatro Wood CT Setup Questions

I just purchased a used set of Vandersteen Quatro Wood CT speakers that will be delivered in a week or so. I am going to be doing the setup myself (help of my brother also). The Vandy Quatro / CT manual has very good detail and I am reading, preparing and starting to really understand the process. 

Vandersteen recommends using natural instrument Jazz recordings because they say these offer the most realistic and accurate sonic reproductions. They even recommend using Ray Brown Soular Energy. Can anyone recommend any other similar reference recordings?

Does anyone have any general recommendations and tips for Vandy speaker setup? Any suggestions are appreciated, thank you.

OP - Congratulations on a great purchase!!  As I already had two 2wq Vandy subs. I have the Treo CTs.  Basically the Quatros without the built in EQ capable subs.  

One thing for sure.  Vandersteen loudspeakers will reward you with attention to speaker placement.  Even fractions of an inch movement will audibly rewarded or punished.  Most Vandy placements involve little or no toe-in.  My Treo CTs are toed-in 1/4".

What are the dimensions of your room?
16ft. x 15ft. 8 in.

Speakers will be placed on the 16ft wall.

I haven't done the math yet.
Your dealer should provide set up. I know Johnny at Audioconnection does.
We seem to share the same setup. Though I only have lowly non-
CT Treo's, thanks to Ctsooner.