Bel canto problems

Looking for guidance. I have several bel canto 600 ref m amps in a home theater set up. Two of the amps have had intermittent output problems which I ascribe to either overheating in the cabinet or a short internally. One of the amps actually is off more than on. (Btw the amp led is always on)
i have sent amps back to the factory and the problem amp back twice. Bel canto always says they are fine and then the problem starts right back up.
at this stage I would love to get out but the factory does not seem to know or care how to fix the amp (s). The amps were bought q4 2015 and have not worked right in two years. Any suggestions other than cursing the gods would be welcome. I used to be a big bel canto fan but this is pretty bad for amps that are considered high end.
emster"two of the amps have had intermittent output problems which I ascribe to either overheating in the cabinet or a short internally."

What makes you think there is a short circuit in you're amplifiers that is highly unlikely it is much more likely that they are overheating why don't you take them out of the cabinet and/or use a proper fan to cool the amplifiers to prevent this problem but also Bel Canto is known for quality problems but I would check the most obvious problems first before arriving at the difficult conclusion that they are junk and should be discarded.
put the good ones in the cabinet to see if they start acting up and if the bad ones get better.
@emster  intermittent output problems which I ascribe to either overheating in the cabinet or a short internally.

are the amps warm at all ?        if they are then can you move them out of the cabinets ?
Thanks all. Heat is an issue and I am experimenting w amps outside the cabinet. Interestingly, the 150s and one of the ref 600 m amps have been fine in the cabinet the entire time. 
So I have to think at least one of the ref 600 is defective as it emits sound only around 30 percent of the time. I am disappointed bel canto has not offered to refurbish or swap the amp, they just deny the problem.