Aftermarket Fuses

Can I set the ground rules up front?? I hope so. There are two camps. One who can hear different audible reproduction using aftermarket fuses. The second camp can not justify in theory, or can not hear a difference in fuses. Fine. I respect both camps. Can we hold this discussion to those who can hear an audible difference in fuses?? Can we? If so, what is your choice in aftermarket fuses and describe, please, what you hear.
pbnaudio ...

Hey ... !!! The site you provided is selling a five-pack of fuses for just under nine bucks. What’s up with these profiteering, capitalistic, piggish slugs? Haven’t they heard of "Economic Justice," or "Leveling the Playing Field?" How are "those who work for a living" going to afford fuses at over a dollar a pop?

You can do better, pbnaudio. There have been several members here on these sites who have sworn up and down that great fuses are available for twenty-cents that will do what the after market fuses will do ... and anyone who pays more is an utter fool.

And that's about as accurate  as your impressions when you listen to your aftermarket fuses goofykaty

I buy my fuses from Mouser Electronics and only use the ones form reputable manufactures like Little Fuse - and they mostly come in 100 Qty packs - the Amazon ink was to make it more accessible to end users.  Pricing by the way is pretty good from Amazon.

Good Listening


Is it just me or does the pro audio and the audio industry in general seem to be very slow?

GK once again, as pretty much always,  you've clearly demonstrated its definitely you.