What are these worth, and what can I sell them for?

Just joined, and this is my first topic Hello everyone.  I have a set of Yamaha NS-10 speakers in good to excellent condition, and would like to sell them.  I can't find anyone who has these for sale so I have no idea what price to put on these.  They work great! I use them all the time with my stereo system.  Love the sound!
I read the Wikipedia info and got the story of what they were used for.   
Here are some links to pictures of them that look just like mine
these are pics just like mine but is some one else. 
Here is the Wikipedia story, Very Interesting,
Does anyone Know what to ask for these speakers?
Thanks!  I would be very thankful to anyone who has any idea.

The photos you posted, and the wikipedia story you posted, are not of the same speaker. The NS10 ( M = monitor ) speaker in the adjoining photo of the wikipedia story is the monitor I am familiar with, as being the NS 10 M. In mint condition, I have seen people ask upwards of $500. a pair, although, I think they are not worth that much. The only market would be a recording studio setup, as they are near field monitors, usually placed on top of a console ( as in the wikipedia photos ). If you own the NS 10 ( the 1st set of photos ), I cannot say. Enjoy ! MrD.
Visit HiFi Shark and search on Yamaha NS-10. I see a number of active listings for these speakers but you have to visit the listing site to see actual pricing. Looks like some currency conversion will be necessary too.  If you click on the "sold/expired" tab, that does show prices.
