Aftermarket Fuses

Can I set the ground rules up front?? I hope so. There are two camps. One who can hear different audible reproduction using aftermarket fuses. The second camp can not justify in theory, or can not hear a difference in fuses. Fine. I respect both camps. Can we hold this discussion to those who can hear an audible difference in fuses?? Can we? If so, what is your choice in aftermarket fuses and describe, please, what you hear.
@jafreeman really, wtf?
Wolf isn’t calling you or anyone else names (well ok, maybe Geoff sometimes), so why resort to that? He is consistent in his opinions and provides another side to the discussion.

There are many of us here with pretty good systems that simply do not buy into the whole fuse (or cable) thing. Over the past 20+ years here, people have gone on about the phenomenal system improvements they achieve every time they change fuses or cables. After 20 years of phenomenal improvements, those people must have the musicians sitting in their laps by now.

I have had much better success upgrading components than spending a bunch of time, energy and money on cables or fuses. In fact, my amps, preamp, server, and DAC have all received upgrades by their respective manufacturers as new technology became available. Those component upgrades provided vastly greater system improvements to my ears than any cable or fuse change I have made. My main goal with cables is to not screw up the sound, which I find to be somewhat proportional to the amount of man-made materials in the cable dielectrics and coverings.

Nobody ever became a multi-billionaire by selling fuses. Audio Magic took standard glass fuses, drilled tiny holes in them and pumped them full of beeswax. I doubt there are any multi-billionaires over there.

These cable/fuse threads are mostly slow train wrecks where the amusement factor far outweighs the technical value. How many times can someone stand to be told what they should be hearing? It would be nice if the folks sharing these opinions (some with over 10K posts, hint, hint) would take the time to post their systems, which would provide context to their comments. Kudos to you Frank and Joe for doing a nice job of posting your systems.
Objecting to the hard sell of nonsensical and inexplicable pseudo tweaks is tough on people who have bought into the hyperbole fueled sales scams and fraudulent claims. I get that, and my sympathies go out to those who rely on others to tell them how they should hear things, and those fragile butterflies who remain frightened of criticism of the often expensive tweaks that allow them to imagine they can hear new things. Regarding oregonpapa’s "10,000 to 1" comment, it’s a fact that MOST rational hifi geeks are too smart to be lured into the fake tweak world, and the ratio of those who know their stock fuses work as well as premium "magic" junk (including the vast majority of brilliant audio component designers) is likely 1,000,000 to 1. Also it’s interesting that Kaitty claims to not actually use "special" or any other fuses in his walkman/headphone rig, he simply joins the conversation hoping somebody will buy his closet full of magic pebbles and his claim of being an "industry insider"...he clearly needs the attention.
I have nothing against you personally whatsoever or indeed anybody on these forums, we are all just keyboard warriors in that aspect.
However I do take umbrage at your constant statements that just because you do not hear a difference and think it is mumbo jumbo then EVERYBODY else who can must be deranged or self deluded.
THAT is an insult, period.
At least that is the way I see it.
But insult away, I KNOW what I hear and my arm was not twisted by anybody, nobody is paying me to say a fuse makes a sonic difference to my ears in my rig in my house.
In my life I have wasted considerably more than $150 on items that did not work or other reasons.
With a 30 day money back I had nothing to lose.
What is the problem?
Oh, geez, don’t tell me someone is actually trying to reason with Wolfie. He’s just playing his stupid game. Trying to reason with him as if he was a serious skeptic is a little bit like trying to pee up a rope. Just because he cast his bait doesn’t mean you have to bite.
wolf_garcia Consider this: others objecting to what you call the hard sell of what you insist is nonsensical and inexplicable pseudo tweaks is tough on people like you who believe the industry suffers hyperbole fueled sales scams and fraudulent claims. I get that, and my sympathies go out to those who insist on telling others how they should hear things, because those fragile butterflies remain frightened of criticism by those who’ve actually had positive experiences with tweaks that allow them to hear new things. Regarding oregonpapa’s "10,000 to 1" comment, I understand you claim it’s a fact that MOST rational hifi geeks are too smart to explore the tweak world, and the ratio of those who insist their stock fuses work as well as what they imagine are premium "magic" junk (including the vast majority of brilliant audio component designers) is likely 1,000,000 to 1, so I'm not sure why you are so upset over what you call "junk." Clearly you need the attention.