Aftermarket Fuses

Can I set the ground rules up front?? I hope so. There are two camps. One who can hear different audible reproduction using aftermarket fuses. The second camp can not justify in theory, or can not hear a difference in fuses. Fine. I respect both camps. Can we hold this discussion to those who can hear an audible difference in fuses?? Can we? If so, what is your choice in aftermarket fuses and describe, please, what you hear.
oregonpapa ...

The AR Ref 6 IS an amazing piece, and quite a bargain at around $15K, and a steal if found used. I probably would have had no complaints about the Ref 6 had I not been able to drive my amp directly with my Berkeley processor. Especially on close-miked piano, the highs rang crystal clear like bells when driven directly. With the Ref 6, the same highs took on an ever so slightly tinny quality. So, I took on the project of trying to improve the highs of the Ref 6. A Sain Line Systems power cord did a lot. Genuine Reflektor tubes helped a bit. And the highs with the Synergistic Black fuse took on a more crystal clear character. The Black fuse was better than the Blue, in this regard. But the Blue may have been better, overall.

Then I got offered the VTL TL 7.5 III at a Could Not Refuse price. I could have easily sold it and made some money had I not loved it. I Love It. The VTL has a clarity and purity in the highs I could never quite achieve with the AR.

Otherwise, their presentation is different. Not better. Not worse. The Ref 6 has a more dynamic, forward image, like Row E.  The VTL has a more laid-back organic presentation, more like Row J.

So much depends on system matching. The Ref 6 was a fantastic mate to the D'Agostino. The VTL, at best, sounded mediocre. However, I greatly prefer the VTL with a pair of Lamm M 1.2 Reference monos. They just meld better. Ultimately, I chose the VTL/Lamm combo over the Audio Research/D'Agostino. But both combos were Highly Musical.

The VTL offers one more thing the Audio Research really can't, and that's tube rolling. I can pretty much make the VTL sound however I want based upon the 12AU7 tubes I have installed. And, yes, I tried Telefunken, Siemens, Amperex, Mullard, JJ, Cifte, you name it. And get this- my choice in preamp tubes? Mid 60s long plate Toshiba Japan 12AU7s.

Now, somebody out there tell me that all tubes sound the same. ;)
Post removed 
So, I guess the $64K question is did you try the fuses in both directions? 😳
imgoodwithtools ...

So, one of your main benchmarks is how well the system reproduces the piano, correct? Me too. I've always said, get the piano right, and everything else seems to fall into place. 

I highly, and sincerely recommend that you get involved with the Omega E Mats. Ask Fleischer what he heard at my place when it came to the piano with the E Mats installed. Its really something ... and with your present system, it would be fantastic. 

If you lived close enough, I'd love to have you over for a listen. 

Take care ...

On wolf_garcia, shadrone, slaw and a few other naysayers ...

They remind me of my brother. He's one of the biggest skeptics on the planet. Its a personality type where their biggest fear is being taken advantage of.

To them, everything is either a conspiracy, a scam, or something else nefariously designed to cheat them out of their hard earned money. They suspect everyone, including their doctors, their real estate agents, and anyone who pats them on the back. They have the persona of a "Mr. Full Charge." If they're not in control of a given situation, they feel out of control. 

Where most people have to like you before they trust you, these folks have to trust you before they like you. The biggest mistake a salesperson can make with these people is to try to glad-hand them. If you do, their first thought is ... "What is this guy trying to get out of me?"  you can see it almost immediately. Their eyes narrow, they cross their arms and legs and frown like frowns are going to leave the planet.

The best approach is to just let them be in charge ... let them lead. Let them think that everything is their idea. Let them tell you what's needed. If you tell them, they think you're lying. If they tell you, they know that THEY don't lie ... so all is okay. 

They make great cops ... and I'm not dissing cops here either. I have a LEO for a son in law, and my brother is a retired California Highway Patrolman. Both great guys. Both have a jaundiced eye and both can scope out the suspicious among us in a nano-second. Hell to deal with if you're a salesman or a proprietor of a business of any type though. To them, everyone is lying. Everything is a scam. Nothing is worth the asking price ... and you are not going to tell them jack ... they will tell YOU. 

They miss out on a lot of joy in life because of their suspicious nature. Sometimes, you just have to trust the other guy and believe that most people are honest and upright ... until they prove themselves otherwise.
