soundermn - I see you’re very experienced in tube rolling and taking your hifi to next level. Could you please describe “glare” on KT120 and the type of music exhibit this?
Reason being is that I found whenever I listen to orchestra type of music, with multiple instruments such as piano, cymbals, drums, violins, etc., I do often find the highs or trebles were a bit harsh and no clear sound separation. The only time I heard a clear separation (non-harsh) was auditioning a pair of B&W 800 D3 by listening to the same music. The rest of B&W range (e.g. 802, 803, 804) couldn’t attain the same performance. The 800D3 was paired with Classe’ amps retailed around 50k+, which is probably inline with price / expectations. Considering the fact that I enjoy tubes sound and tube rolling flexibility, I may experiment with the PL amps to attain closer to my ideal sound.
barruch86 - there seems to be a consensus that HP would be well-suited in driving power hungry speakers. Perhaps you can check with the owner named bluesy41 in this forum (also owns Magne and happy with HP). Bluesy41 can be seen in a thread posted here (rare occasion reported PL destroyed speakers):