Advice requested on speakers

I'd appreciate your thoughts...I'm looking at Vandersteen Quattro Woods, 5a's, Revel Ultima Studio 2's, Focal 1037BE's to pair with my AR VT100iii. Speakers will need to be close to the front wall, on the long wall of a 19' x 14' x 9' room. I listen to classical (orchestral and smaller), jazz, acoustic instrumentals, vocals, and some rock. I prize full range, timbral accuracy, and soundstage and speakers need to pair well with my amplification. I'm disinclined to rear ports, or I'd also be considering Sophia 2's, Verity's, VR Sr's...Thanks for all your help.
For timbral accuracy and sound staging I would suggest you audition Merlin VSM-MXe, they are simply more timbrally accurate and resolving than Vandersteen IMHO. They are however, not as full range as either Vandersteen as they are essentially flat to 32Hz with a filter cut off at 28hz - on the other hand, with a room your size, I would suggest that the bass of the Merlin's would be very accurate and satisfying. See if you can read the Merlin review in Bound for Sound. I've owned both brands and love Vandersteens, but for timbral accuracy the Merlins are at the top of my list. I suspect for orchestral music, you might perfer the Vandersteens, but for chamber and small group jazz I think the Merlins would be the clear choice. Not familiar with the Revels.
you should go to the montana audio site and check out there speakers and then find somewhere to hear them. i know they will blow away the vandis. that is the only one i can compare them to i have not heard the other speakers in your list
Blow aways the Vandies? I don't think so. I've heard the Montanas, and they are fine speakers, but for soundstaging the 1st Order Xover and phase aligned drivers of the Vandersteen create an extraordinairy deep and wide soundstage with good localization. Perhaps Montanas are worth auditioning, but don't expect them to blow away the Vandies, they won't.
Thanks for the suggestions. I've heard good things about both Merlins and Montanas, but they aren't available locally, so they didn't make the cut.
If you are just going by local availability, then you should definitely audition with your ears and take what we have to say with a grain of salt -- listen to what your ears tell you, we all hear differently, and have personal ideas of what kind of sound most appeals to us. To me, it seems you could be happy with any of the speakers on your list, but I do like the ability to balance the bass to the room that VS offers, and I think you'll need that with a room your size - you'll need to control the bass. I would audition with a 100 watt tube amp with those VS though, I think they need quite a bit of current, even with their built in subwoofer amps.