Amp upgrade from Ayre V-5xe

I am loving the Ayre sound (V-5xe Amp, QX-5 Twenty DAC / streamer). My speakers are the new Revel F228be

While I think V-5xe is great, I am thinking of upgrading to the newer VX-5 Twenty. Just because.... I hear my sirens calling :-)

For you Ayre owners, is this a worthy upgrade?

Or should I consider another solid state Amp? Pass Labs come to mind

Just curious if anyone had heard the SimAudio Neo 400M monoblocks?
I am also looking to upgrade my amps.
(((I am loving the Ayre sound (V-5xe Amp, QX-5 Twenty DAC / streamer). My speakers are the new Revel F228be))) 

 Have you ever even heard a full Ayre stack with Revels
 from the comments, above, his existing equipment with The VX5/20 which is a pretty sophisticated amp with many speakers and carries a zero feedback design philosophy all the way through.

 I have heard the Pass, PS audio, JRDG all fine gear but I know for sure in his system VX5/20 will be an advancement. Aren't you only speculating?
@carlco that Aesthetix Atlas looks good, but I worry about resale value if I don’t like it, since the brand is fairly obscure.

I can get a brand new BHK 250 for about $1,000 cheaper than Ayre VX-5 Twenty used. I think I am going to go for it. I will not lose much if I don’t like it and then sell it
as good as Ayre 20  is, you will get a bigger difference by upgrading the speakers