Speed accuracy- how accurate is accurate?

Certainly, running at 33.333333333333 . . .  with a stylus in the groove is ideal. Running an iPhone app I just discovered (RPM), I'm running about 33.55 or 33.56. Table is an LP12 with an 18 year old Lingo. Everything sounds OK- is it ok? 
It is all about enjoyment. Wow / flutter is more important in my mind than absolute pitch. 

Question is, how much effort are you willing to put in and whether it will be worth it. :-)
The table is rock steady- how much effort am I will to put in? Considering everything sounds right, not much 
There is your answer. :) But mathematically, it is off by 0.6% of perfect. That's pretty good. 
By most accounts, the iPhone method is not the most accurate way to measure platter speed, but it puts you in the ballpark. So I would not conclude that the speed error of your turntable amounts to the difference between what you measured and 33.33 RPM. It might be more, or it might be less.