Carver TFM 45 or Cambridge Azur 851A

I'm finally getting around to the 21st century. I just purchased a Cambridge 851N. I was planning on ditching my Carver pre-Amp and connecting the 851 directly into my old Carver TFM-45. I then realized maybe I should get a new preamp and looked at the 851E. Apparently that pre-amp is now discontinued. Cambridge sells their 851A integrated amp for $1,499 which is within my budget. So I guess the question is this sonically... am I wasting my money on a new amp? Or is the Carver a boat anchor?
Thanks - The room is about 15x20. It's the living room which opens up to a dining room. The Definitive speakers are mounted in the vaulted ceiling angled somewhat towards the listening area. I listen to both jazz and classical orchestra music at moderate volume. I have no problem buying something used - my main criteria is that it be trouble free for the next several years. 40 years ago I used to work for Marantz and had an 1180DC amp. All of the potentiometers became oxidized and I would up selling it on E-Bay. I don't want to deal with that again...
When you say reliability, the first brand that I think of is Bryston.  20 year transferable warranty.  I would look at the 3 or 4 bsst or newer.  

You might also look at Classdaudio and Emotiva.  Both offer high value for the $.  
Apparently that Carver amp is a very popular item.  One in mint condition just sold on ebay for $430 with 42 bids on it.  There are lots of great power amps on ebay for lots less that will greatly outperform the Cambridge Audio, IMHO.