Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
The combination of Total Contact and the Omega E Mats is stunning. 

Ozzy ... did you remove all of your Bybee devises as suggested? The reason I ask is, either your 5% estimate is way too conservative, or there is something interfering with the mat's ability to work as advertised. 


To me 5% is quite a bit. The Omega mat is not equal to a component upgrade/change but it does add to my enjoyment. Could I live without it? Sure, but I would prefer to keep it.
Perhaps if I had more of them to work with my estimate would change. However so would the cost. In my perspective, if 5 of them are needed to improve the sound substantially then for that $3000 I would first consider a component upgrade, or perhaps the SR active grounding block.


I removed the Bybee’s that were at the circuit breaker box that I replaced with the Omega mat. I did not remove all of the rest of the Bybee’s throughout my system. Again, if I had more mats then I would replace the Bybee’s.


when I spoke to Tim a few weeks ago, he said that it helps his laptop run cooler but we did not discuss any sonic benefits in detail. We just ran out of time. You may want to give him call or just ask him through the forum. I think it may help since a lot of digital noise is generated from computers in general.

I guess I just asked the question.

 Very courious,


I am impressed with the Omega Mats improving a system over an extended period of time. I placed one mat on the sub panel circuit breaker door June 10 and one on my Oppo 203 DVD player and Pass Lab INT-60 amp on June 18. This week I noticed further improved audio and video improvement with the AV system and  audio improvement with the stereo system.
I am pleased with the results on these three locations and have ordered additional Omega Mats to try with my SACD players, headphone amp, and on the main circuit breaker door.

I have found the improvement generated by each Mat  to be worth their price. It certainly is easier than swapping out power amps (my Pass Lab INT-60 amp does weigh over 100 lbs). Also the break in roller coaster (to me) is less than when comparing power cords and interconnects. Finally the cost to return the Mat with it's 30 day return policy makes it rather fun to try.

David Pritchard

I have, over the last two years, spent considerable resources on power supplies, interconnects, powerchords, power plugs and vibration control devices. In my system I have had surprisingly good results in doing so. In that time I have not changed out any components. I have found that power conditioners and powerchords have give the most impact in reducing digital glare. Next the vibration Control devices brought out a more organic guality in the music. The interconnect upgrades have also aided in further reducing the digital noise further, thus extracting even more musical detail.

The Total Contact upgrade provided a stunning across the board upgrade to all the previous upgrades to my main and office systems. This upgrade was one of  the least costly of all the above mentioned upgrades save for the power plug change outs.

The cost of two Mats is just as an effective upgrade as The Total Contact and just as easily heard. I put the one that Tim sent me on my +/-15 year old CD player’s transport and it made it sound like a very decent analog rig. The second Mat, that I will pay for, was placed on the inside of the door to my breaker panel. Both systems improved subtlety during the first week and a half. At the two week point it really did improve both systems dramatically. Both systems are now sounding substantially less digital.

I hope this gives you anothers perspective on the value of the TC and Mat upgrades/tweaks.

