There are only two paradigms really for how people approach things based on technology like hifi.
First is is the one I subscribe to which is try my hardest to understand how things work and use that knowledge to guide the way. That is how all new real technological innovations work.
The other is to rely mainly on faith in lieu of actual knowledge to guide the way.
Many things in in life are beyond human understanding and best handled by a combo of both.
Audio it is not one of those things. It is best handled by acquiring real knowledge. Hearsay alone may not deliver truly great results. Things that cannot be explained essentially translate to happening by magic ie nobody can factually account for what is observed.
>>>>>To summarize, a sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
”If I could explain it to the average guy they wouldn’t have given me the Nobel prize.” - Richard Feynman.
”Knowledge can be defined as what’s left after you subtract all the stuff you forgot from school.” - old audiophile axiom
There are only two paradigms really for how people approach things based on technology like hifi.
First is is the one I subscribe to which is try my hardest to understand how things work and use that knowledge to guide the way. That is how all new real technological innovations work.
The other is to rely mainly on faith in lieu of actual knowledge to guide the way.
Many things in in life are beyond human understanding and best handled by a combo of both.
Audio it is not one of those things. It is best handled by acquiring real knowledge. Hearsay alone may not deliver truly great results. Things that cannot be explained essentially translate to happening by magic ie nobody can factually account for what is observed.
>>>>>To summarize, a sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
”If I could explain it to the average guy they wouldn’t have given me the Nobel prize.” - Richard Feynman.
”Knowledge can be defined as what’s left after you subtract all the stuff you forgot from school.” - old audiophile axiom