Ayre Parasound Pass : where are you?

I’ve been thinking a little bit about three different types of SS amplifier sounds. I’m not really sure what to call them, but I have a definite preference. Here is the spectrum in my mind:

Ayre <--> Parasound <--> Pass 

On the one hand is Ayre and Arcam. Yeah, fight me, but there are big similarities to the sound. I also loved the Pono and what it did for my IEMs, using the Ayre designed output stage. I wish Fiio would license it too.

In the middle is Parasound Halo and ICEpower Class D modules (I’ve owned both) which to me are identical in sound quality. Clearly I’m happy with them for the price!

On the opposite end of the spectrum is Pass. A sound I really don’t like.

But regardless of which you like, what do you think the differences are?

What spectrum do you use to think about solid state amplifiers??
you lost me when in another thread you called Ayre dark........far far far from dark.....
I think of the Ayre sound as very smooth, almost to a fault, and maybe not as dynamically robust as some, but I could see it being easy to live with.
I can only comment on one Pass amp, the X250.5. I owned it for a brief time, and it sounded thin and the opposite of organic or musical. I was very aware of it.
Parasound amps sound nothing like ICE or Hypex-based amps -- probably because ICE and Hypex (even the hybrids) sound little like a good class A/AB amp. 
@helomech : I lived with Parasound Halo A23's (a pair fo them) for months. I built ICEPower ASP 250 based monoblocks. I could not tell them apart under any circumstances. Which is why I sold the Parasounds and kept the high efficiency monoblocks instead. 

@roxy54 - That is my experience as well, even with many speakers, many rooms and many different Pass amps.  Ayre IS very very smooth, and open. 

you lost me when in another thread you called Ayre dark........far far far from dark.....

Feel free to hold that against me until the end of days. :)