Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
I'm looking for suggestions here from those that have a positive experience with the E=Mat.
I received one E-Mat from Tim and placed it into my system #2 under the HFC MC-6 power distributor. I thought that might be a good location since the MC-6 feeds power to my Dac, Transport, preamp and FM Tuner. I left the E-Mat there for 5 days but did not notice any differences. Thinking that this might not be the best location for the E-Matt I switched it's location to my system #1 on top of my Yamamoto YDA-01 Dac with the magnetic backer facing up, and the actual working part on the E-Mat laying on my Dac. As of today, the E-Mat has been there for seven days, my system sounds as good as ever, however, I can't distinguish any improvements. Both systems 1 and 2 are audiophile quality, and if I do say so myself I believe I have a pretty good ear when it comes to making evaluations as to what I hear. I'm looking for suggestions as to what to do next? Leave the E-Mat in place for another week or try a different location?

I tried the second Mat on top of my Rega Dac-r in my office system. The improvement was minimal, but noticeable, after a week. After speaking with Tim about it, He suggested that I should place the Mat onto the breaker panel. That gave me fantastic results in musical clarity, PRaT etc... The first Mat was placed on my cd transport and it made a huge improvement after about an hour of being in place. After about two weeks, the effect was even more pronounced and more enjoyable. 

I don’t know whether my having treated my entire system with TC first, makes a difference, but I have have nothing but a positive experience with the Mat.


We seem to have varying results system to system with the mat. Both Ozzy and Lak are well respected Agoners with a long and solid history of experience here. TC seemed more universal in praise and result.  I spoke with another Agoner who shared the improvement with the mat was there, but not substantial.  Don’t think we yet know why some rigs respond more than others? 

One use of the mat has seemed to garner near universal praise and that is placement in the main circuit breaker panel.  Here the placement seems to improve every electrical appliance and system in the home from lighting to TVs and refrigerators! Wow! 

I'm almost sorry to bring this up, but in my main audio system, there appears to be additional audio improvement after 3 weeks.  Is it possible that the effect increases between the 2nd and 3rd week as well, more than just subtle?