Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
We seem to have varying results system to system with the mat. Both Ozzy and Lak are well respected Agoners with a long and solid history of experience here. TC seemed more universal in praise and result.  I spoke with another Agoner who shared the improvement with the mat was there, but not substantial.  Don’t think we yet know why some rigs respond more than others? 

One use of the mat has seemed to garner near universal praise and that is placement in the main circuit breaker panel.  Here the placement seems to improve every electrical appliance and system in the home from lighting to TVs and refrigerators! Wow! 

I'm almost sorry to bring this up, but in my main audio system, there appears to be additional audio improvement after 3 weeks.  Is it possible that the effect increases between the 2nd and 3rd week as well, more than just subtle?  

Tim did send me a small sample of the TC but it was only enough to do the 3 wires that are attached to my 3 dedicated breakers along with the neutral and grounds wires.

I have spent a great deal of money on my main system. And that does not include all of the power cords, balanced power, dedicated lines etc. that I also own. I really do believe that the music starts with quality AC power.

To me, I think a 5% improvement for a tweak is very good. And if I didn’t already have all of the Bybee's perhaps it would have had more effect. Again, I think the Omega mat works fine over the breakers but honestly guys I don’t think its worth $600. I would figure about $200 -$300 to be the proper price point.
But that is only my opinion and we all have different hearing, systems etc. so thanks to Tim a trial is a real plus. I would like to keep the one mat and let it "break in" longer.
Question: What actually breaks in?

Alas, I think I pe’od Tim because he just sent me an email to send the trial mat back.

lak ...

In looking at the pictures of your system, you have a prime location with those large circuit breaker panels. If I were you, I’d put at least two mats on the outside of those panels and see what happens. Your system is such that you should clearly hear the changes. Judicious use of Total Contact would increase the effects as well.

Answer ... get more Omega E Mats and at the same time order a tube of TC.
