Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
lak ...

In looking at the pictures of your system, you have a prime location with those large circuit breaker panels. If I were you, I’d put at least two mats on the outside of those panels and see what happens. Your system is such that you should clearly hear the changes. Judicious use of Total Contact would increase the effects as well.

Answer ... get more Omega E Mats and at the same time order a tube of TC.

@ozzy Hi Ken,

Sorry you feel that way. Its pretty obvious your not thrilled with it, do us both a favor ,
and please send it back.

Happy listening

Not sure what part of that makes you think I am P.O.ed.
I thought it was a professional response to your email in my box this morning.

As far as the sample I sent you, it was  enough to do your system, it was just over a half a ML, measured it myself. Thank you for your interest

Say, isn’t Ozzy the same dude that complained a bunch of times about the graphene contact enhancer? Beware the disgruntled controversial tweak customer.
@grannyring Gee Bill you are leaving a lot of out of the second hand story, like the amount of time I spent on the phone with that fine customer. How about the checkpoint I ran him through?

Did I poo poo when he told me you were building him a new linear power supply, and power cord? My exact quote "excellent" I then asked him if the goods would be pre cooked or fresh from the bench?

I told him his system would be changing for quite some time, well past my 30 day return policy. I told him based on his changes I would extend it for him. Satisfaction is my top priority period.
Tim, you are jumping to conclusions and referring to the wrong person above. Yes, I also talked to the person you mentioned above, but I was not referring to him. Yes, his system is still settling in and he knows that as well as I. No reason to be so defensive. I like your product and simply look forward to learning more about where it works best and in what types of systems. Seems the level of AC tweaking and attention as well as interaction with other system tweaks plays a role here. That is my interest and my post just reflected it. Sorry to say your post is an over reaction and not even accurate. I talk to many folks about audio and you jumped to the wrong conclusion and person.