Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
The problem with this particular instance of reporting less than stellar performance is that he’s a disgruntled customer who has been gunning for the manufacturer for at least a year. Hel-loo! 
At the risk of asking a question to which I do not know the answer... does Mr. Mrock advertise his products elsewhere?  I think this thread can seem to some as an "advertisement blog" and hence the upset over negatives toward the product.

If this thread were really one big advertisement, do you think posts like yours would be here?

Tim is allowed to post what he wants here, within the boundaries of forum rules (I believe there are some extra ones because he is a manufacturer?), and you are allowed to post what you want in response. Again, within the boundaries of forum rules.

Seems to me like things are working the way they’re supposed to.
@tommylion- No one is questioning Tim’s right to post here. No one is moaning and complaining like Tim has absolute power on who posts here (although, given what he just wrote in all caps, he's trying to). Our posts are still here because they are within the guidelines of this forum. Anything else?
@oregonpapa- Hi, Frank! Hope you are in good health and I’m glad you are enjoying your music more than ever. Frank, I understand where you’re coming from, but that is still is no excuse for Tim’s responses on these threads. Latest case in point: you’ve read @grannyring for years. One of the nicest, polite, knowledgeable members on Audiogon, and who incidentally has said very positive things about TC. Yet Tim, for no logical reason, just accused him of having some hidden agenda against him, simply for pointing out the observations of other members. Frankly, Frank, (always wanted to write that!) if he is too thin skinned and reactionary to every perceived slight on these threads and forum, he shouldn’t be using them as his sole advertising/sales venue.