Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
@oregonpapa- Hi, Frank! Hope you are in good health and I’m glad you are enjoying your music more than ever. Frank, I understand where you’re coming from, but that is still is no excuse for Tim’s responses on these threads. Latest case in point: you’ve read @grannyring for years. One of the nicest, polite, knowledgeable members on Audiogon, and who incidentally has said very positive things about TC. Yet Tim, for no logical reason, just accused him of having some hidden agenda against him, simply for pointing out the observations of other members. Frankly, Frank, (always wanted to write that!) if he is too thin skinned and reactionary to every perceived slight on these threads and forum, he shouldn’t be using them as his sole advertising/sales venue.

I was mainly referring to amg56’s post:

“It is a shame that this sort of "product" thread accepts any opinion that is of gushing gratitude only. If an individual states a less than the expected experience, or asks the wrong question, that person is singled out (by many, no, make that nearly all), and vilified on this supposed open forum.

You can say what you like, as long as it conforms with the positive and glowing comments expected.

You call this "freedom of the press"? Only on your terms...”

Makes it sound like Tim has hired a bunch of thugs to beat up anyone who dares to say anything he doesn’t approve of.
No, Tim just wants those who aren’t gushing about his product to pm him instead of posting anything he doesn’t approve of. You know, that thing he said in all caps right under his snarky answer to @jetter....

"he's a disgruntled customer who has been gunning for the manufacturer"

What are the posts where you concluded jaded Ozzy's evaluation of this product? I along with I feel many others believe Ozzy conducts himself in this forum within a very high level of integrity, and based his review on his real findings and feelings. He also requested to hold on to the mat a little longer to test for additional gains that could develop.

Is it possible that you might be sensitive from too many conflicts over products you tried to market?

“No, Tim just wants those who aren’t gushing about his product to pm him instead of posting anything he doesn’t approve of. You know, that thing he said in all caps right under his snarky answer to @jetter....”


Wow, he’s asking customers to contact him so that he can provide customer service. You know, answer questions, offer tips on how to use the product most effectively etc. Maybe even refund their money.