What is the most important component in your system.

To me it is my ARC Ref 6 preamp. I have used a few other preamps, ML38s , ARC Ref 5se,  with my current system and none has taking me closer to music then my ARC Ref 6 preamp. Years ago I always thought it was my B&W 800 Matrix speakers and then my Krell FBB amp. But found out that to get the best sound from my 800s it is a preamp..Years ago i never knew how important a good preamp was in reproducing music. And sure everything adds up ,like interconnects , power cables , speaker cables, platforms and all those tweaks that we use and try. Now i not saying that i was never happy with my 800s and Krell or even my ML 38s. But adding my current preamp really makes my other components bring out their best. 
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For me, it has been maintaining the patience to try to hear a component before buying it.

This has led me to Thiel CS5's from Maggie 3.6's, Dialogue Premium preamp from W4S STP, and Hegel HD25 DAC from Oppo 105 from Audiospace CD8.

My upgrades have been appreciable improvements in sound for me, so I have not gotten around to exploring interconnects beyond Cullen Cable.

I think power cords are a minor impact, if any, based on trying several different ones. Luckily, I could audition for free and avoid cost.

My opinion is that speaker cables are close to nonsense unless one possibly has long runs. I use thicker than lamp cord wire and could not be happier. Google speaker wire and Roger Russell to learn how I got to my opinion on this subject.

Thanks for listening!

" Google speaker wire and Roger Russell to learn how I got to my opinion on this subject" I think I'll pass on that, I already have my own opinion. 
The quality of the recording.  But that's out of your hands.

The most important stuff in your control:  Your speakers and your room.

Dear @tattooedtrackman: Most important component in an audio system?

well all system links in the audio chain are important starting with the room but each one of us are a " component " too of that home audio system and with out any doubt we are the more important " component " and not only because ours ears and sensivity to the sound but what determines the quality performance level of our system are two main and critical audiophiles characteristics that are: each one MUSIC knowledge level ( live music. ) that means to know how MUSIC sounds how single instrument performs. The other characteristic is each one audio knowledge levels.

Both characteristics dictates our audio items choicing/alternatives to build and up-date that home room/audio system.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,