Totem Forest or Mani-2 signature?

I am looking for a pair of Totem speakers that will work well with Bel Canto Ref1000 monoblocks.

So far I have only auditioned the Forest and Staff (with the Ref1000 too) but have not had a chance to try the Mani-2.

For those Totem owners out there, could you give me some suggestions? as how they compare and stuff... Thanks!
Yup, totally agree with bluepearl.

Owned Model 1 sigs and tweeter, just tired me out after 30mins.

Staff has overall has smoother presentation, just doesn't go as deep and loud as Forests.

Definetely prefer soft domes.
Rumadian, I still thank you for your post two years ago. In your opinion do you think an old Accuphase 80 watts into 4 ohms amp will be able to drive the Mani-2? Thanks in advanced.
Hello Metro,

Wow, bringing the life back into this thread after two years eh? To take a stab at your question:

Will 80 solid watts of juice be enough to power the Mani-2? YES, provided that you don't plan on playing them in a huge room or cranking things up to concert/like sound pressure levels. NO if you do.
I don't quite agree with that, i have a pair of winds which is just as hard to drive and im using 350 watts per channel amp and i can still tell they could use more power. My Bryston is good but could use more power. The Mani's are just as hard to drive if not harder. Yes it will drive the Mani but will it do it efficiently ? i dont think it will. But if im wrong let me know.
I drove my Mani's with a TAD 60 in triode mode - rated at 30 watts. They sounded wonderful, but were capable of only modest volume. This worked great for acoustic music - Jazz, Chamber, etc. Not a rock and roll set up though.