Technics Turntables...really???

Ok, what am I missing? When I hear Technics turntables, I think Craigslist and DJ tables. What am I missing? 
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Who modded your SL1200G ? Ralph did mine with a Classic Triplanar. I like it a lot! Unless I hit a lottery: This will be my final rig.
Technics, like all other manufacturers in it’s time, made some tables for mass market. Unless you’re new to this hobby (or this planet), you should remember the famous SP10 series of tables. The new 1200 line has been well-reviewed, and universally praised. Sure, the old 1200 was a favorite of DJs but how do you think it got such a strong following? 

P.S. Let's drop the political references and avoid the risk of driving more members from this site.

Yes, Ralph modded mine, too, for a Triplanar U12.  I have worked out the mat issues, center weight, and peripheral ring - - now it sings so neutrally that it is just music from the tape, it seems to my ears.