Mytek Brooklyn - A dangerous pre!

So I ran into a weird issue with my Brooklyn DAC. 

I'm in heavily air conditioned environment with a carpet. If I accidentally spark the volume knob, the remote control setting goes nuts. If I attempt to change the volume via the remote the Mytek will automatically go to maximum possible volume! Good thing my tweets can take power. :) 

The only way to fix it after this is to unplug the power, wait 30 seconds, and reset the remote settings. 

Really not an ideal situation. 
Surprised you have static in the summer?  I fried the right channel on my Classe amp last winter with SE.  I only listen with bare feet in the winter - the only way I can be static electricity.
Hey @pops - 

Not really. I'm surprised static causes digital devices issues, still. It has been a long time since I saw equipment glitch from static. I thought this got solved in the 20th century. :)


Look online for a grounding pad. I found a 4” by 6” inch grounding pad which connects to the screw on the outlet cover.  I touch the pad first (you should see the sparks fly!) which is on top of my rack, then the preamp. Works like a charm.  
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82% humidity in Carlsbad this AM
you could always move !!!!!
static ground pads work somewhat....