Technics Turntables...really???

Ok, what am I missing? When I hear Technics turntables, I think Craigslist and DJ tables. What am I missing? 
I always had very good results with Technics Tables.
I have owned several.
Even the low end SL-D2 $120.)worked well.
I would be curious to see how one sounds  with a Higher end Cartridge.


There is a German firm ( The Link can be found on; " Outer ring- who uses and what are your findings" post by melm on 07-15-2018. )

I am going to pass on using an outer ring; Too futzy for me. 

As I just posted to bluewolf; I am going to focus on Flat and Relaxed records next.

As "Ralph" has pointed out, the Triplanar bearings are in the plain of the record.I have a few used records that have long warps or a sudden edge warp. The Triplanar has been handling these with ease. I do have (1) record that has a sharp edge warp that does get a jump in the first couple of grooves out of the Triplanar, but that is it. I have been fussy about my records from the beginning. But even average flat records do have small undulations. Every tonearm must deal with these. I think making the tone arm cartridge combo work even less, even at the micro scale, gets us better SQ. 

Flat records will have the best contact with the mat from the start. A mat and weight should effectively deal with groove resonances and give firm contact with the mat. Just my opinion.

I heard the speed control of the Technics within minutes; at Axpona 2016. I knew that I wanted this TT.  The stock arm is good, but the Triplanar just brings the rig to a new level. I agree, piano is fantastic, bass is deeply defined and textured, images and spatial information are solid and layered.

Thanks for your response and enjoy your rig.

I think a lot of potential buyers are missing the fact that the new Technics turntables are re-designed from the ground up.  They also benefit from advanced production methods and better quality control.  If you don't read the fine print, it is understandable you may think the new turntables are just re-hashes of the old ones (which were actually quite good at the time - I had one that I used with my Dynaco tube equipment and horn-loaded speakers back in the day).
Panasonic made a marketing decision to keep the turntables looking the same.  This works great in Japan (maybe a larger hi-fi market than the U.S.), who are naturally quite proud of their "Made in Japan" products, just as many U.S. audiophiles enjoy "Made in the U.S.A." provenance.  I will admit some prejudice when I looked at the new SL1200 G turntables, but was quickly convinced when I compared them to other offerings in the same price range.

Note:  my prejudice was more about the "DJ" looks than where it was made – I am a globalist with speakers made in England, U.S. made amps, German wires and a Japanese turntable and cartridges.
I was given a 1981 DD Technics by a co-worker 15 years ago. It's a Made in Japan marvel of ruggedness and quality. Not the last word in resolution or other audiophile traits, still a great deck to have around and the set-it-and-forget aspect is nice sometimes.
I wound up selling my Sota that had been factory freshened and VTA installed and really wanted to use it  and the belt would keep coming off and I frankly did not like the full manual mode.   At some point I bought  a  SL-1600 mk ii  off of ebay and  sent it to a refurbisher in TN.  I think it was..   who has since passed.  A weak  link in the system is a nylon or plastic of some sort gear that is elemental to the arm operation ..   I bought a Rega 3 with upgrades and used very briefly and found on ebay of all places this restorer of Technics who had the gear that I needed.  I sent him the table and he fixed it and its back in operation --the only table in here..   Suffice to say,, Im not playing enough vinyl but then I just recently moved to a whole new area in Cali..    surrounded by fires these days although lucked out and not really in a critical area where fuel for fires is plentiful.  Makes for some very hot weather after living near the ocean all these years in the bay area.