SOTA vs VPI (or stick with my Rega?)

I currently have a Rega Planar 3 (2016) with a Dynavector 10x5 that suits me and my record collection (mostly reggae, afrobeat, and jazz) but have been thinking about a turntable upgrade as my vinyl collection continues to expand.

Initially, I considered just a simple Groovetracer subplatter and upgraded counterweight, but am not sure if that is worthwhile. So now I've expanded the search to include a used SOTA Sapphire V or used VPI Prime/VPI Classic. I like the Rega's "PRAT" and no-nonsense design, but would be interested in getting more detail and cleaner, deeper bass out of my vinyl.

Any suggestions/advice/thoughts and alternatives welcome. THANKS!
For reference, my system consists of a Hegel H-160, Vandersteen Treos (non CT), Rega Planar 3, LFD Phonostage LE, and Dynavector 10x5. 
Why not stay with Rega and move up the ladder since you like the Rega sound. You don't mention your budget but I am sure you know Rega makes wonderful turntables way above the Planar 3.

All the tables you mention are fine. I love the sound of my Clearaudio Performance and if one day I want to improve on that I will stay with Clearaudio. I know their design philosophy and know how to sit them properly.

Whilst technically i agree about the VTA setting you have to ask yourself this question: Are you a Lover of Music or infinate tinkering?
There is no right or wrong answer. That just identifies you as a listener.

I have a Lyra cartridge which is super fussy about set up. I have set up VTA (by ear !) using one of my faviourite records and have left it at that.

Of course every record is different from the others in terms of its thickness but when i place it on my table all I want to do is listen to the Music.
My VPI has served me well for years, since I upgraded from my old Ariston deck...very happy with it.  Good luck.  

@mgolpoor I’ve thought about climbing the Rega ladder, but speaking to my local dealer it didn’t sound like there is a huge jump between the current Rega P3 and P6. 

You also make a good point about just enjoying the music vs tinkering. I don’t gain much pleasure from tinkering, so that’s something to consider. 

Other used TT that are in my price range ($2500-3000) include the Acoustic Signature WOW XL, but I’ve heard it it extremely neutral and not much fun. I enjoy listening to records, and would hope my next upgrade would add more depth to that experience. 

I hasn’t considered Clear Audio, but will look into their line up further. Thanks!
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If you have a good deal on the table for a VPI prime, I would go for it. You will not regret it . Great table and great company with a team behind it that has the best customer support I have ever experienced.  They really stand behind their products