BUYERS, What Issues have you had with Sellers and Listings that Prevent you from Buying?

Some sellers have been complaining about how slow it is. Maybe what you share can help sellers make their listings more enticing.
It’s about 3 things:
1. Asking price being at FMV. 
2. Paypal fees being included in the price and not an added fee.  
3. Shipping being included in the price and not an added fee. 

This is how Ebay successful transactions are modeled. Learn the lesson. 
Agreed on first 2 points but not the last.
Ship a pair of large speakers coast to coast, probably200 to 300 dollars.
You want seller to eat that?
No way Jose.
Now maybe compromise but you just cannot offer free shipping ad nauseam.
Sure maybe on smaller items like cables, CD etc but not not heavy items.

And trust me eBay does not operate like that in the realm of audio, 20 years on eBay and hifi sales have not changed much in principle.
I would wager over half the items have shipping charges not free shipping.
And the ones I see with free shipping have usually added some to the base price to help compensate.
There is no free ride....

Just my thoughts.
I just sold a pair of headphones here in less than 8 hours.  Most of my other sales have happened within 2 days.  I price the items right and am willing to further negotiate.  I never charge any fees and am very generous on the shipping.  I never respond to the tire kickers.  You know the guy who offers you 900 bucks on the asking price of 2K.  
A good thorough description of the item for sale in both words and photos. In terms of photos you have to post a pic of the back of whatever you are selling. If you're selling speakers don't only take pictures with the grills on we need to see the drivers. If you're posting tubed gear list what tubes it takes don't make me have to google it. Pretty basic stuff to me but often ignored.