What should be my next upgrade? Speakers?

NAD NAD T-754 AV Reciever
Mitsibishi DLP WD-725 TV (only 1080i)
Denon DVD-2910 CD Player
Monster HTS-3600 AC filter
Klipsch RF-3 Speaker
Klipsch RS-3 Speaker
Paradigm PDR-12 Subwoofer

I just purchased the NAD reciever yesterday from www.audioadvisor.com. Have a Denon AVR-2801 right now hooked up. Hope the NAD is a sound improvement. What would you buy next? Go for better front and center speakers? Or go for a blue-ray?
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Those that don't mention cables are probably paying attention to the items that have a much greater influence.


Nice to see some common sense on this forum.
First, there's not enough information on your scenario to recommend changes. Simply recommending changes to ANY SYSTEM, without knowing all the variables that are involved, is like driving blind-folded! More info needed on your setup and life-style habits, I'm afraid.
I mean, what is your application and life-style with the system? Do you do movies only?...or what ratio to movies/music? Do you sit between the speakers, or do a multiple seating? Do you move around the house listening to music with the system, or are you always anchored in your seats. Do you rock and roll, or are you a low volume listener. What are the acoustics in your room like?
Personally and professionally, I don't see how anyone could possibly offer you remotely any kind of sound advice with what we know from the data you've presented!
It is quite posible, that with your setup, room, acoustics, lifestyle, and budget, that some of the pieces you have are excellent choices! Then again, they might be the worst ones also. Again, not enough info to assess. I, for one, would want to know more before I said, "do this upgrade, that change, or this modification, etc."
Can you tell us more, please???
Those that don't mention cables can usually use better ones.

Actually, they are listed in his system profile. I agree with Kal's comment, though, particularly in this price range.

-- Al
What is your budget? I went from rf3 setup to rf83 setup. The difference is substantial. I'm using a rxv-2400 as a pre with an outlaw 7500 amp. Adding the amp really makes the rf83's sing. I think speaker upgrade and treating the room is probably most important IMO.