DIY Power Cables Instead of Used

Good Day All,
     I'm hoping to gain from the benefit of your experiences comparing power cables, or your knowledge from extensive reading.  I'm leaning heavily toward DIY at this point, but am always open to overachieving reasonably priced new from authorized U.S. distribution or European channels.  Though I was originally very big on shopping mid to high end pre-owned power cables, I am no longer entertaining the used market for this purchase.
     I ask that you please share what your observations of a brand/model are, rather than just throw a brand name out and say you recommend it.  Any help you could provide is greatly appreciated.  I'm seeking to upgrade the power chords on all of my components and am already working on installing direct circuits from the service panel, with audio grade receptacles.
     Thanks ...

Steve, et all … I've now looked at the link Steve provided, and recall reading that exact post in the past, perhaps 2 years ago (?).  It is very much what I had in mind for DIY configuration, but not nearly as advanced as the detail provided there (just didn't remember all of that!) having the link saved, I will absolutely be giving that a go...its just too easy, and just too inexpensive to not try!  ... With the caveat, that I will of course have to do the same with a "quality" DIY cable from either Cardas, DHL, etc., for comparison, and a straight up chord from another company such as Furutech.  I do have the upside of building a secondary system in my basement out of my older equipment, where I can put, and have been putting, what I find not quite to my liking in my primary system.  I truly enjoy seeing the new heights I can take the old system too.  I will happily post my findings here, and perhaps as an additional thread.  Yes, its probably been done before, but it wouldn't hurt to 'unbury' the info with a refresh for newcomers to see....such as myself, with great thanks to Steve.  
 I was looking at that stuff a few weeks back thinking of buying some as a present for one of my brothers for Christmas (before this discussion of the VERY affordable DIY configuration, ofcourse). I enjoy upgrading his stereo every year, and watch his amazement that I could improve his audio or visual with VooDoo. He's not an audiophile, but does love his a/v, and is an Electrical Engineer specialized in Satellite Communications and guidance not only do I love improving the sound he and his wife hear, year after year, but I love watching the thrill on his face when we boot it up, and he plays in front of me after a new upgrade.  Showing him there is more to know than electrical measurements when it comes to final audio output is fun for me, as well.  While I very much enjoy bumping into engineers out here that are audiophiles and delve into the math of it all in a way that enhances my knowledge, it never ceases to amaze me how little a premiere rocket scientist can know about what we hear. 

With that, in case you ever run out again...check out the GSA website...they auction everything government surplus, used or new, to include electronics, wire, cars, boats, houses, etc.  Yeah,,,all of that..  You'd be amazed what the government sells for pennies on the dollar.  
I have made several power cables using Oyaide Tunami wire & either Furutech or Neotec connectors. They are fairly inexpensive & very impressive. The wire can be purchased from VHAudo for around $30 a foot. Connectors can be purchased from him (Furutech) or parts connexion (Neotec) for $40 to $70 a pair. 
I made some power cables using DH Labs Silver Sonic Power Plus and had very good results but it was tricky finding the right mains plug (in the UK) that could accommodate the cable thickness. 
Thank you for the input. Indeed Furutech connectors are hi on the list, with a direct comparison to Sonarquest pending. VH Audio keeps popping up on my radar...they seem to be the only US supplier remaining that has stock of the limited edition Nano Particle Furutech Cables, S55N, S022, DSP4, etc.