Chakster, I am not sure why you are so obsessed with stylus tip mass, which should really be termed "moving mass", to indicate the total mass whose inertia needs to be overcome in order to start a transient, but in order of class, moving iron cartridges are said to have the lowest moving mass, to be followed by moving coil, and then by moving magnet types. I'm sure there's quite a bit of variation and perhaps even overlap within those categories, but I strongly doubt that any MM cartridge could be champion of that specification. Assuming I would care.
Anyway, to the OP, it seems to me that certain brands are more known for detail retrieval than others, whether or not that was a design goal of the manufacturer. Two brands that fall into that category, in my opinion, are Lyra and Audio Technica. I'm thinking of whether to add Decca to that list. The trick is to get the details while remaining "musical".
Anyway, to the OP, it seems to me that certain brands are more known for detail retrieval than others, whether or not that was a design goal of the manufacturer. Two brands that fall into that category, in my opinion, are Lyra and Audio Technica. I'm thinking of whether to add Decca to that list. The trick is to get the details while remaining "musical".