What speakers work well against a wall

I am moving to a new home and space constraints may force use of speakers against a wall.  I would appreciate recommendations for speaker products that work well in thus situation.  Thanks.
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Might want to check out Von Schweikert Vortex speakers. Actually made to be just inches from the wall. Three models from around 2500 to 6500
If you are thinking of smaller speakers, you should check out a couple of Swedish offerings:  Guru G-10, and Sjofn's "the clue".  Both are designed to sit literally 1" from the back wall, being designed for the boundary reinforcement.

I run "the clue" in my living room system, because this suits my significant other much better.  They sit in bookshelves on each side of the fireplace, and to be honest, they sound pretty good and articulate.  Bass is adequate.
I had the Wilson Audio Duette 2's and they do work super well right against the wall.  I currently have Sonus Faber Amati Tradition Homage speakers and they are right against the wall.  I love the sound.