HELOMECH ...here’s the deal with that , its a trap to a degree , once you get the 30.1’s , Harbeth comes out with the BETTER bigger, ones 40.1 , then 40.2’s ....I want to buy something and be done with it , not worry that the upgraded model is so much better....but you’re right 40.1 better for my room for sure...40.2! $15K! done :) BTW , most of the people I’ve talked to on Audiomart selling their 30.1’s are upgrading to 40.1 or 40.2 !
I called Klipsch and they referred me to a place in Sacramento that may have their Heritage lines on floor....if not I’ll definitely get to LA eventually to scope out...thanks!
They make small changes periodically, like every 8 years or so, if that. I can’t imagine the difference would be worth replacing a pair of .1s. I also doubt they’ll be coming out with a larger model anytime in the near future.
If you’re patient, you could probably find a near-mint pair of Spendor SP100s for under $4K - approximately same size as 40.1s and better sounding IMO - better than some $20K speakers. However, they too are not really designed for hard rock. The Spendor D7s might just fit your needs - British midrange with some real bass power.
When I was in Sac last year, the only Hi-Fi dealers were Magnolia - inside Best Buy, and Paradyme Sight and Sound. Neither had Klipsch Heritage, but hopefully that’s changed. Good luck.