What speakers work well against a wall

I am moving to a new home and space constraints may force use of speakers against a wall.  I would appreciate recommendations for speaker products that work well in thus situation.  Thanks.
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I’m also recommending Audio Notes. I run the AN E’s. The ability to run them against the wall is just icing on the cake, not a compromise in any way.  That's part of the reason their presentation is unlike most speakers.  My biggest audio regret is that I didn’t find Audio Notes years ago.

Of course it all depends on your sound preferences and amplification choices. Best of luck.

I like Audio Note speakers, even without considering their fitness for placement near walls and corners.  The sound they deliver is rich, harmonically complete and saturated and musical.  It is a BIG plus that they are reasonably efficient and easy to drive because I tend to favor low-powered amps.

I have heard, and liked the Gradient Revolution speaker in a near the room boundary position.  It is NOT an efficient speaker, but, it is otherwise quite desirable for its placement flexibility (the bass cabinet can be configured for different room placement).  

I have also heard British Neat speakers placed near the wall and they sounded good too.  
Allison - designed for against-the-wall for best bass response! So are my Snell Type AIII's.
Lot's of them are good for the wall as you can see. What is your system?  Price?  If this is a general question, then I too love the Vandersteen's.  Their new carbon fiber tweeter is taking them to the next level for sure.  I have some Linn's in the bedroom and am figuring out the configuration to put the new Vandy's in.
@scottwsmith, If you're speakers are going to be up situated in the corners of the room, the Klipschorns work very well - http://www.klipsch.com.au/products/klipschorn-floorstanding-speaker
I'd also 2nd the AN speakers, especially if partnered with AN gear.