Dear @bpoletti : You posted: " +1 " to this post:
""" if the tone arm is able to track the cartridge correctly, then the actual choice of cartridge is far less important. ..... properly set up far overshadows the choice of cartridge. """
that’s a no-sense post due to unknowledge level on the overall subject.
Always the cartridge choice is important and everything the same NOTHING can " overshadows " the choice of cartridge and exist facts that confirm those:
in the same tonearm with the same audio system a Lyra Etna always will outperforms the Kleos as the Kleos beats the Delos one. If we make same comparison: the Colibri always beats the Black Beauty even in a non-top tonearm.
When everything is the same the cartridge choice can makes a difference for the better or worst and as I said nothing can overshadows it but a bad system .
If not, why cartridge manufacturers marketed so different cartridge models?, not only to cover different market price level but each single models ( no matter what. ) performs with different quality level. Lyra, Ortofon, VDH, Benz Micro Koetsu and almost every manufacturer works in the same way. They don't care to other parameter or audio item that its design quality levels at a price point.
Other than the LP the analog king is the cartridge, obviously that after the cartridge every single link in the audio system/room chain is important including our music/sound knowledge and skills levels.
I don’t know why you posted: " +1 " when in your post you attested the cartridge difference with the Clavis.
Anyway, good luck with your cartridge hunt.