DACs with a budget of $800

Hey All, 

I am considering getting a stand alone DAC for my digital streaming. My system as it stands now sounds a little forward to me. Soundstage depth is lacking. Separation, width and height appear appropriate, as does image density. I am currently running a Bluesound node 2 streamer in my main system. The rest of my system is as follows:

TV, JA Michele Gyrodec, Bluesound Node 2

Red Dragon Audio M1000 Mk I monoblocks and sometimes I switch in my Anthem MCA 20

Blue Circle 21.1

Spacial Audio M3 turbo s
GMA Continuum I's
Anthony Gallo Reference 3.1
Maggie MMG's
Paradigm Monitor Sub 12 (stereo pair)

as I said I am really looking for some depth and "air" in my sound stage but also highly value impact, extended sparkle on the top end, and punch.

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. 

@Soix  .. Apologies.. a misstep on my part: 

i do do not get my Blue Circle preamp until next week. Currently I am using an NAD 165C Bee. I know I may experience big changes, and maybe the ones I am looking for... but keep the recommendations coming!!! 

@graber thanks for the recommendation.. I will look into it...

Post removed 
The NAD c165Bee is actually a very good preamp. It doesn't have the somewhat exaggerated midrange glow of my tube preamp in my other system but its quite balanced top to bottom with good soundstage and air. Your tube Blue Circle might give you that added "air" especially on vocals but remember it has twice as much output voltage; 20V vs. 10V, so keep that in mind when pairing it with your amp.  
Yes, the little budget pre has served me well and I agree with you about tonal balance. However, I think that my room presents some problems with the speakers I use most (Spatial Hologram). My room its 12 ft x 19 feet and my front wall is the long wall due to room set up/floor plan of my home. I get great separation left to right and good height, I just have almost zero depth. Sure tweaking the speaker placement is a big deal, but even when the speakers are optimized in my room the sound stage really 2 dimensional and very forward. I have never had any tube gear before and am excited to see what it can do for a three dimensional sound stage. 

I will send out updates and impressions after I get it running next week.

Oh and BTW I will be moving the NAD 165 to the bedroom system (Maggie MMGs. stereo REL t-7's, and an anthem MCA 20 for power).