Wide dispersion + high efficiency + detail + coherence in a speaker?

And coherence is the biggest point! I like the liveliness of single driver speakers but I am looking for something with coherence AND bass! High efficiency is important for liveliness, and wide dispersion for a huge sweet spot and instruments in the room presentation.

Any recommendations?
sometimes you can even hear the horn honk coloration on voices...I know some horns don't have this..
You are right- some horns don't have that at all. It all depends on how well the throat of the horn is designed; many don't have the benefit of computer optimization but some, like the Classic Audio Loudspeakers, do. This makes them very free of any 'traditional horn' artifacts. The Kapton surrounds help as well, since the driver won't break up if driven at too low a frequency.  Often you can't get away with a 6 db slope on a compression driver, but the Kapton surround allows for exactly that.
Take a look at some of the AV Showrooms videos on YT. Peter never seems to have any complaints about the Classic Audio Loudspeakers.
Charles1dad has given you a good list.
I have Horning Eufrodite Ellipse and think they check everything on your list.
The Classic Audio Loudspeakers are wonderful too.
What about Zu Audio speakers?

Full range, 12 ohm/100 db efficient or so, no crossover, fast, dynamic, hi res,
great soundstage, musical -- they design their speakers to revolve around the
naturalness of the human voice and "live" sound

I have a pair of the Bookshelf Zu’s, they are impressive.

The Soul Supremes and Druids are even more impressive,
they have the same to similar specs as above.

Order direct with 60 day trial and full refund available.
just sayin’

I'm surprised no one has mentioned Totems. They check all your boxes. Personally, I own a pair of Forest Signatures. 

@zuio , several of your assumptions are patently false. High efficiency is only important for liveliness if you have a pea watt amplifier. Wide dispersion does not give you a wider sweat spot. It gives you much more room interaction which is never a good thing. To narrow is not good either. You want controlled dispersion like you get with horns and planar dipoles. As for coherence there is only one type of loudspeaker that specializes in coherence and that is the full range, one way electrostatic loudspeaker.