best FLEXIBLE cables

I am looking for a good FLEXIBLE interconnect and speaker cable for my system
I have :
Proceed AMP5
Proceed AVP2 + 6 channels
JM labs diva speakers
Velodyne 10 subwoofer.
At the present time I am using the virtual dynamic cables but they are too rigid and I am afraid that they can damage  the connection with my pre-amp the AVP2 and also they occupy alot of space in my small room.Is there  a way to prevent this potential problem if I do not change the VD cables?. These cables besides its rigidness they  are a  little heavy and the connection is not stable.
Audience AU24 is always good. The original version, which is very good, is usually available at good used prices. 
I am a cable manufacturer, (Bionic Cables) and ours are NOT flexible. lol

System matching is important. Your electronics with those speaker can be pretty bright so I would pick a richer cable. The Audience are grain free and smooth but may not be warm enough. Worth a try though. Other safe choices are Cardas and Purist. (Some Purists are flexible)
I am normally not a fan of Transparent but it would be a good match for your system and as long as you can sit the networks on something or strap them, the cables are flexible.