Bi-amp through receiver vs pre out to 2 channel for fronts

Right now I am no amping my monitor audio gold 100 front speakers using a pioneer elite receiver.

The manufacturer recommends bi amping. If I buy a parasound 2 channel amp for the fRonda and don’t bi amp, is that going to sound better?
But just for my learning experience, what do you think about these pre/amp processor av receivers? Are they just an AV receiver in disguise or are they equivalent to a real pre-amp? 
If I get an integrated amp without HT bypass, isn’t there a way to still control the volume all from the AV receiver? 

Somebody said something about using another line in or line out but I didn’t understand. 
AVR's are not serious audio gear.  Even the expensive ones are not as good as a good integrated or separate. They are made to be something for everyone.  Most of the things on them aren't ever used by 90% of the listeners.  Thats' reality.  

There are always work arounds. If you want a theater, then do a theater.  If you want good 2 channel, then do that.  Either way you will be making major compromises at your price point by the way you are talking and you will not be happy overall.  JMHO