Bi-amp through receiver vs pre out to 2 channel for fronts

Right now I am no amping my monitor audio gold 100 front speakers using a pioneer elite receiver.

The manufacturer recommends bi amping. If I buy a parasound 2 channel amp for the fRonda and don’t bi amp, is that going to sound better?
If I get an integrated amp without HT bypass, isn’t there a way to still control the volume all from the AV receiver? 

Somebody said something about using another line in or line out but I didn’t understand. 
AVR's are not serious audio gear.  Even the expensive ones are not as good as a good integrated or separate. They are made to be something for everyone.  Most of the things on them aren't ever used by 90% of the listeners.  Thats' reality.  

There are always work arounds. If you want a theater, then do a theater.  If you want good 2 channel, then do that.  Either way you will be making major compromises at your price point by the way you are talking and you will not be happy overall.  JMHO
Hey again Craigert … 
I've read most of what everyone is saying.  This is a great thread you've got going.  Honestly, I don't think I disagree with anything on here!  Not that I'm the gods gift to whose right or wrong...but often does that happen?

So another option:   Your disc player likely has a variable output option.  Check your owners manual.  If so, you can add a 2 channel amp in your budget  (or 5 channel amp).  Connect your disc spinner Front left and Front right direct to the new amp.  Then connect your disc spinner surround channels to your Receiver by analog outputs. I actually went a step further while revamping my system by using my disc spinner as the preamp, but that would be dependent on your input needs, and what else you have to connect into the system, as well as the inputs that may be or not be available on your disc player/DAC.  Anyway ... Use the variable output of the disc player to control the volume of the whole system.  Then,,,down the road,,,when you're budgeted for a preamp, you can add that to your system and toss the receiver entirely.  There are ways, and there are ways,,,but this is just one alternative.   I do 100% agree that in your upgrade, to have your Elite as the Pre for your stereo channels, would be a detriment.  I did that exact thing with my Onkyo Integra when I was revamping, and with the improved amplifier and disc player, I could tell the Integra was veiling everything and holding it back.  Getting it out of my system was the best thing I could have done.

If your disc player has an input, but you have too many sources to play thru it, ie; video game, cable box, could actually plug your receiver into the disc players input, and that would give you your FM/radio, and all the other inputs into the receiver, but the best sound (discs & movies) direct to the amp from your disc player, again, with it controlling the volume of the entire system.

I still drive my entire system with my disc spinnners variable output.  I've had my Halo A-51 amp on the fronts before.  It now pulls surround duty.  But where I'm going is this:   In two channel mode, the A-51 (5 channel amp) is superior to the A-31 (3 channel amp) or A-21 (2 channel amp).  Its in 5 channel mode that its fronts don't perform quite up the level of the A-21.  This all comes down to divvying up the source signal.  Yes there's more than just transformers to it all... a LOT more.  Yet,,,there is a simplicity to understanding that part of it.  In the case of the Parasound Halo lines, they have a primary Toroidal transformer, and then an additional smaller toroidal transformer for each channel.  To answer an earlier question by you, yes,,, some companies do provide more transformers in their surround Amps.  You'd have to google to see who does or doesn't.  The NAD is an outstanding product,,,but honestly, I 'm surprised to hear that a Rotel was considered superior to Emotiva.  I guess its all model dependent though.  Personally I preferred the Parasound Halo to them all, without ever having auditioned the Rotel.
sfcfran, I agree that this is a great thread. Although I’m sure elsewhere on a audiogon there are individual threads which focus on each element of it, you guys have taken a newbie like me through the entire thought process of the life cycle of home audio setup. Lol

Thank you all for taking the time in your replies.

I guess my only question now is how do I set up a system in my 5.1 channel living room after making my elite receiver the basement kids movie system?

Will an integrated amp serve as everything for a 5.1 system that I can use for movies and then turn into 2 channels when I listen to music, or is it then time to buy a 5.1 pre-amp/processor still to an integrated amp?

Based on what I have read a multiple channel pre/processor for HT use is still not as good as an integrated amp. Have I learned something here? Lol