Monitor Audio Platinum or Magico A3

I am looking to upgrade my Triangle Cellos.  My shortlist was  Magico A3, Triton Reference, Monitor PL300 II, I Magico S3 II, Dynaudio Contour 60,  Spendor D9, Canton K3, Focal Sopra.  (I have not auditioned the MA Platinum or the Dynaudio).

My shortlist now is: Monitor Audio Platinum II and Magico A3.  The Monitor Audio was a Stereophile Product of the year in 2017.  I listen to most music types  except Jazz and Country & Western.  

I would be interested to hear experiences about any of the speakers.  I have, as mentioned, auditioned but have not heard them in my own home.   TIA

jnovak,You are correct. Monitor Audio has been around a long time in the UK. Unfortunately, they don't put tons of money into marketing like some of the big boys do in the U.S. I've owned Wilson Audio, Aerial, Revel, and several more. Monitor Audio's quality is at the same level.
In that price range and with a ribbon tweeter, have you consider Dali Epicon 6.
It is a 2.5 rather than a 3 way speaker .
they are also beautifull.
Big fan of Monitor Audio and an owner of same for many years.  Unfortunately, I don't have access to the PL300 II's, so I can't offer any direct opinion on that model.   You may want to consider traveling to the nearest dealer in order to audition them, even if that's inconvenient, since (1) it's not an inconsequential investment to purchase them, and (2) you'll likely spend a lot of time listening to them over the coming months/'s very difficult to make a judgement without hearing them yourself.  But, I became a convert to MA's at some point, and have upgraded within their model lines several times over the years.   Best of luck.  
They did not make my shortlist. I am a big fan of good looks and they are stunning.  Also liked the tweeter supertweeter concept.

nearest dealer is 420 km away.  Love driving my Nissan - but not that much.

actually I don't mind being told what to prefer.  A minority view to be sure.  I used to like boomy bass.  I was repeatedly told that was wrong - and wrong it was.