Annoying sounds from cars at stop light

What causes the stereo in the car next to you at the stop light so loud and annoying with over the top bass and how can the driver stand it?

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I would agree Elizabeth. Pretty accurate read on the issue. Sound waves are altered, Some frequencies don't fare well in sheet rock and lose amplitude. Others, like the dreaded 80Hz bass notes, ( those lease busters ) get amplified. 
Alternative explanation: the poor guy upstairs or in the next apartment only hears the bass frequencies but not the rest of the frequencies. That’s why the sound is irritating, it’s just the thump, thump of the bass, not because the bass is amplified. The wall absorbs higher frequencies better than low frequencies.  If it was true walls amplified bass frequencies you could get better bass by constructing a wall in front of your speakers. Hel- loo!
I had one of those cars and when I went to the gas station all I heard was a guzzling sound.........