Best tube dampers that you have used

I currently have a Thor Audio monoblocks TP-150, 8  EL-34's Sovtek tubes for each amp.
Was wondering in anyone's experience will tube dampers improve the sound quality.
Am hesitant to proceed as I have read that  tube dampers can melt from the heat of the tubes and sometimes
cause smoke. Any thoughts would be appreciated.  

Try going to the local O-ring industrial supply shop and buy some high temp silicon O-rings (usually white) you can get various sizes but taking a simple ruler and measuring the aprox diameter of the tube is all you need you can get various thicknesses to try. they work excellently and at the minimal cost you can experiment with different thicknesses.  this will tell you if spending more is going to be worth it in your system. I got a dozen of various sizes for under a few bucks. they are essentially the same thing as the custom guys sell for way more.

The king of the meat family for damping tubes of course is Hormel Spam, rolled into little rings, not too hard, not too soft. Just right. And the best part is when the meat is nice and done it makes a great Scooby snack.
I have tried  pearl coolers, and ARC silicon rings on both power and small signal tubes. I always end up removing them after listening for a short while. They seem to kill the life and musicality of my tube equipment. Never tried Herbies, as they are not cheap. They seem to get good comments around the web, so maybe they would work better. I would not use them unless I had some microphonics from the tube gear that I could not deal with. I am happy with the sound I am currently achieving in my room, so I won't F with a good thing. I have  also found the same life robbing effect when  using spike feet on my amps or preamp, crossover, etc. Think spongy rubber feet on my amps make an improvement, spikes are detremental. Spikes do improve my speakers though.

I would not use them unless I had some microphonics from the tube gear that I could not deal with. I am happy with the sound I am currently achieving in my room, so I won’t F with a good thing.

>>>The interesting thing about the Herbies dampers is they only barely touch the tube glass at all, just enough, the way they’re designed. The other interesting thing is they work even on tubes advertised as very low microphonic. I.e., all tubes are microphonic to some degree. All that’s required is knowing where the getter is.
I have tried  pearl coolers, and ARC silicon rings on both power and small signal tubes. I always end up removing them after listening for a short while. They seem to kill the life and musicality of my tube equipment.
This says to me you like a little microphonics going on that's alright too.
To test your tubes for microphonics , turn the volume to where you normal have it and just tap each tube with the back of your finger nail, with someone listening at each speaker, you'll find the one/s that "doinks"

Cheers George